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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Blog killer

For me Facebook has become my "blog killer". I've been very "vocal" there and since I'm there a lot for personal and business reasons I've not had a lot left "unsaid" to post here.

BUT now and again there is something to be said.

I've been undergoing a lot of changes. For a few months my physical condition has been deteriorating with more pain, less energy and just feeling like I'm not so much ME as I was.

Sure, I miss JD. I miss him a LOT. He was an incredible (although like us all somewhat flawed) person. Less flawed than most in my humble opinion.
I am pretty content with my life here in Texas with my son but not with my condition so I'm working to change that.

Many of you may know that I'm a Scientologist, have been for closing in on 40 years now. Whatever that may mean to you it simply means to me that I am intent on becoming the best ME I can be despite life's "slings and arrows". It also means I want for you to be the best and happiest YOU possible. Don't want to change you, just help you free yourself from a few of your problems. But you need to ask. I'm not out looking. I've got better things to do that go looking for problems to solve.

I'm studying the new basics books that came out a few years back. I'd been rather apathetic about that but the study is really helping. I'm waking up a bit. A bit less lethargic in many areas, a bit more alert, a bit more energetic, a bit more me.

Because of that I decided to do some more research. Hmmmmm, it may be that I do NOT have fibromyalgia... More intense study has alerted me to the fact that my gluten sensitivity (yeah, already knew and was pretty much ignoring it) may be the major cause of everything that is not as it should be!!! Brain fog, muscle aches, chicken skin, apathy, poor or excessive sleeping, pain when walking (thus "preventing" me from exercising), swelling in my entire body, digestive issues are likely all from gluten. As of yesterday I've gone gluten free. I don't think I am SO sensitive I need to worry about trace amounts (rice and corn products processed in same plants with wheat products) but just the actual items themselves.

For the next month I'm not going to worry about weight issues or other things I should probably be handling but I will be concentrating on the gluten and increasing exercise (plus staying on my vitamin regimen which is going well).

Since I also have some destash supplies sales on-going plus have found a new monthly (and small) jewelry sales venue (good way to get my feet wet again) plus am continuing my on-going efforts to finish the last bits of work shop (my living room!) organization I won't be "haunting" this blog but will return and report in a few weeks how things are going.

Who knows? I might even get things going well enough to finally get Loretta's books converted to e-books! We shall see. I'm not going to beat myself up about it. Gradients. Its all about gradients. First this before I worry about that!

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