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Monday, May 20, 2013

Peripatetic pensive ponderings

For some days now my mind has returned to this much neglected blog. There is no really special thing I want to say but rather many special things fluttering through this dragonfly mind of mine. 

On relationships, especially the man/woman enduring thing:
The truly great relationships are not made of the mythical perfect people. Mine was started by a chance meeting, fostered by impluse and a feeling of "must know this person. It grew through shared experience, shared values, communication and learned trust. 
Unlike Topsy it didn't just grow but was rather built, layer by layer, day by day, week by week, month by month and year by year. 
It was presenting new things to each other and watching them be taken up with enthusiasm. It was respect for "otherness" and a fostering of that which was beautiful and creative. It was allowing the other to BE, not be directed or controlled. It was so many things, became so rich and fulfilling that I do not believe I have time nor energy left to even try for something similar. Nor do I have a need.
We learned to take time for ourselves and to value that as much as we valued time together. We learned that making sure the other had what was needed or wanted did not have to mean we, as individuals, had to sacrifice. We did compromise. We did fail to keep things smooth sometimes. We were never perfect. But we were strong in our love and thus strengthened each other as people.

On Privacy:
We each have, at our core, some area or thoughts or even actions that are ours alone, to be shared never or almost never. That's really OK as I see it. Beyond that core we have opinions, beliefs, thoughts, actions and creations that we share. I'm a prolific sharer although some are not.
Its not something to be forced or impelled. 
I love Facebook, not because its perfect but because its a platform for sharing. I'd probably not be there so much if I weren't also using it as a selling venue (the best one I've ever had!) for my art. 

On Art:
I call my creations art, although many have been less "art" than "craft" in the past. Now there is nothing at all wrong with CRAFT!!! It is vital and to be respected. But one can craft a fine wooden chair that will become a family heirloom or one can create an art piece chair. They are similar but not identical by any means. 
The comparison might also be made that I'm crafting this blog but it does not rise to the level of Heinlien's, Hubbard's, McAffrey's, Norton's, Dicken's or Koontz's works! Those are verbal art!
Whether or not I will financially succeed in my own newer endeavors has yet to be seen but I am tired, tired, tired of making what I "think" will sell, making what others are selling (or similar to) or making things for a season or a show. 
My work is becoming ART because I am now working only to inspiration with some side trips to custom orders. 

On Family:
Wow. There is a lot to say about family! I am and have been delighted that my Sis, in her later life, has finally found a mate. She's been married before but, as I did, made mistakes in the choosing. 
She has fairly recently brought into the family a person who doesn't really GET how awesome he is. Perfect? Oh, heaven's no. As mentioned before perfection just ISN'T possible. But good? rewarding? fulfilling? Yes to all!!! They are building as JD and I built. 
My sons are another Wow! While as a Mom I could wish that they could experience what I had with JD I still see that they have surrounded themselves with people who love and respect them. They have goals, they have personalities I truly admire. I LIKE my sons. 
Even my Bro who has had problems seems to be taking hold of life and living better for himself. I'm proud of that. 
Many know that after JD's death I stayed in our home for a while but it was just too far from those I love and it was lonely. Then I went to stay with Sis while looking for a home to buy near her and ended up living with her and her sweetie. That was a lovely time which has just ended as it became more important to share time and living space (not to mention expenses) with my youngest son.
We're into month two and this living experience is better than I had hoped.  We respect each other's spaces. I have, of course, taken over more than 3/4 of what you'd expect to be the communal space (with son's full good wishes) for my work and supplies and selling area. He has the largest bedroom and we share the kitchen. 
At times meals are catch as catch can. At times I cook. At times he cooks. We both do laundry, dishes etc. Since I work from home I do the majority of general cleaning a bit at a time. Its all good. Especially good are the surprise hugs, surprise shoulder rubs and shared laughter. So far I've done the majority of the grocery shopping but that will be changing. My basic income will just cover rent and utilities. He's going to be buying the groceries but, hopefully, we'll be shopping together!
Well! Thank you, those of you who have read this! It has helped me a lot getting it all said. In the future I will try to be less on Facebook and more here with my OH-SO-Valuable Insights. (laughing)

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